With the following water heater maintenance suggestions, you can extend the lifespan of your water heater while possibly shaving off a few dollars in your energy bills. Set the Proper Temperature The average temperature setting for a standard water heater is around 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping your water heater at this temperature, or at the manufacturer’s recommended temperature, can help
Creaking, rattling, roaring, and groaning noises coming from your pipes will definitely make you wonder what is happening within your walls. If any of these sounds are coming from your plumbing, try one (or all) of these easy fixes to see if they solve your problem. If not, give us a call today for a solution to your noisy pipes.
In Florida and other southern states, a heat pump is a great alternative heating method for the home. While furnaces and boilers are great for homes that experience below freezing temperatures during the winter, they are not necessary for warmer climates with mild winters. Heat pumps can be used for a dual, heating/cooling purpose, and they work best in temperatures
Millions of households and commercial properties in the world are switching to tankless toilets. The conventional toilet is not yet a thing of the past, but the growing popularity of tankless toilets is surely omnipresent. It’s common for homeowners to be conscious of their energy consumption. Water is a form of energy, although we consider it more as a utility.
Damaged pipes never present a good situation for a homeowner, they cause water leaks and increase your expenses. If you are lucky, you will notice the issue immediately. Some symptoms such as a reduced water рrеѕѕurе, indiсаtе thаt a leak iѕ damaging the base of your house creating a hazardous environment for mold and mildew. In this article, we will
We all love a plumbing system that works, because it makes life easy as far as dispensing and draining water are concerned. Nevertheless, no plumbing system is free from plumbing problems including leaks, so you need to pay attention to your system to ensure that it is fully operational throughout. Learning to stop plumbing leaks is important. As we all
Whenever you find yourself faced with a tap or pipe that is leaking, most likely you are going to look for plumbers to resolve the problem for you. They can give you superb service that is so important anytime you are facing these serious plumbing problems. However, many people today take these plumbers for granted because they do not offer
No problem is as difficult to fix as the problems that hamper the working of a good plumbing system. While your plumbing system was originally meant to provide you comfort and ease, its problems can quiсklу take you оut of your соmfоrt zоnе. Many оf thеѕе plumbing problems could be dealt with simply by repairing, replacing, or installing various domestic
The Package Says Flushable!! Sure, flushable wipes are probably okay to flush once or twice, but this definitely does not mean they should be repeatedly flushed down the toilet. What’s the Difference? While they may feel better than traditional toilet paper, flushable wipes do not break down the same. Manufacturers of flushable wipes may claim that they can be flushed
Updating your thermostat can help you manage the amount of energy you use and help make your home more comfortable. Here is a quick buyers guide to help you find the perfect thermostat for your home. 1. Programmable A programmable thermostat allows the user to program the temperature that they want for a specified amount of time. You could set
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